© Takeaway / CC BY-SA 3.0

View from on the Amstel river towards "Blauwbrug" (Blue bridge) and the "Stopera": the Amsterdam opera building combined with the Amsterdam City Hall. The church spire in the background is the church tower of the "Zuiderkerk".

+ 1 😐 OK
+ 1 ☹️ Bad

   + Amstel
   + Brug 236, Blauwbrug
   + Clouds in the Netherlands



Media information:

  • Original datetime:
  • Upload datetime: 2010-09-14T09:57:28Z
  • Uploader: User:Takeaway
  • SHA1: 2c1a19cca34c64878d0f6a9c67b1a588ab0ca1bf
  • Refreshed: 2018-07-19 19:37:59 UTC

Technical Topics:
   + CC-BY-SA-3.0
   + Files by Takeaway
   + GFDL
   + License migration redundant
   + Media with locations
   + Pages with maps
   + Self-published work

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Subject: Info: Amstel Stopera 2010 0914.JPG